About REDEMPTION Strength & Conditioning
My name is Kenton “Lifting KG” Gordon. You can call me “KG”. I undertook to redeem my health and my fitness in 2020. I was a whopping 381 lbs. I made noises just moving. Tying my shoes was an effort. My family often asked me if I was okay while watching something because my breathing was so heavy and noisy. That’s not the life God created me for; not in His image. I started the journey with a bit of faith in God and a lot of worldly effort. I did the loud music in the ears to “fight my demons,” with the oversized hood and the scowl that said “don’t bother me, I’m sulking.” Not really the look for a God-loving, Jesus-following church-goer like moi. I had some early results, then plateaued.
Putting God first, even in my workouts, made all the difference. I leaned into the word and saw stories of men doing amazing things through faith in God. I saw God testing man and correcting them with wrath and love. I saw forgiveness and learned to forgive myself. I had to reckon with being raised in shame. I had to learn to step fully into His Love and promise for me. Everything changed when I did. The road was paved. I signed up with a coach and lost 120 lbs over the next year. I became a new creation not only in the body of Christ but in the body God made me.

That’s my story. It may not be your story. You may not be looking to strengthen or start a relationship with God. Maybe you just want to work out and live a better quality of life. No worries, we can do that, too. Know that everything I do, even if we don’t talk about it, is fed by a desire to love God and love people.
We offer in-home or on-site fitness services. Each client onboarding includes an assessment to help determine our workout approach, discuss dietary adjustments, and provide supplementation insights.
Each client gets access to my application and platform for
- Purchasing and scheduling appointments,
- Managing your Milestones and Benchmarks,
- Maintaining your account information.
For corporate or group events, I have options to set up a multi-station workout, run a booth with a fitness challenge, and/or offer my testimony and motivation in a speaking engagement. Let’s connect to talk more about your next event.